Tips and tricks for makers and articles full of handmade business how-tos!

Welcome to the Bloom blog

my alt summit experience
Mindset for Business Owners

I wanted to go to the Alt Summit conference ever since I learned of its existence (probably around 2018-ish). But to be honest with you, it felt “out of my league”. Alt is where all the “cool” kids in the creative-sphere go.  I’m off to Alt Summit! In March 2020, I was at Midwest Craft […]

My Alt Summit Experience (And Will I Go Back?)

Business Mindset 101 for craft business owners
Mindset for Business Owners

Marketing. Pricing. Website. Packaging. These are the business tasks that fill a craft business owner’s days. But what about your business mindset? Is it on your list as well?  The truth is, most business owners fail to see just how important their mindset is to the success of their business.  Think about it: how can your […]

Business Mindset 101 for Craft Business Owners

Top Podcasts for Makers Title Image with microphone and sign that says podcast
Mindset for Business Owners

I think podcasts are one the best ways we makers can learn and grow. Listening to podcasts for makers, while actually making things – it’s the perfect combination!  An inspirational podcast episode can get me fired up and give me a little push to keep going. Not to mention all the tips and tricks I […]

Top Podcasts for Makers 2023

Pink desktop with pencil and paperclip and title overcoming fears when pricing your handmade items
Mindset for Business Owners, Starting Your Business

Even with the pricing calculators and hundreds of blog posts available on the subject, pricing handmade items is one of the most difficult challenges a new business owner must overcome. And most of the struggle comes from our own heads.  I can still remember the day I first listing my handmade jewelry for sale, and […]

Overcoming Fears When Pricing Handmade Items

Confetti on blue background with title how to make 2022 your best year yet
Mindset for Business Owners

Throughout the last couple of years I have seen many handmade businesses thrive. Business owners pivoted and grew their online presence, and were not only able to survive during the pandemic, but increased their sales and found hundreds of new customers! Have you experienced your best year yet? As we go into another year full […]

How to Make 2022 Your Best Year Yet

Self-care for handmade sellers white boards with a package and wording on it.
Mindset for Business Owners, Self-Care for Small Business Owners

I don’t know about you, but this season was a blur for me! I have been so, so busy. Yes, that’s a good thing, I think (busier because of more sales), but it’s also overwhelming. This is why I like to focus on self-care for handmade sellers at this time of year. We are all […]

Self-Care for Handmade Sellers – Yes, It’s Important!

Get the inside scoop on how to prep and pack like a pro for your next market, plus tips for how to get those apps organized for a practically guaranteed acceptance!

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I started my handmade business in 2010, and after setting up my craft table in more school gyms, church basements, parking lots, and fairgrounds than I could count, I realized that I did NOT love the constant ‘weekend hustle’ of setting up at shows nearly as much as I loved meeting the people who would buy my work.

I had this idea that makers like me had to set up at markets and fairs to make money...which was soooo 1997! With social media, blogs, email, and websites, I had the power to reach beyond my little community craft show and expand my reach farther than I could have possibly imagined. 

Fast forward to today, where I have helped hundreds of makers find and connect with people who will actually buy, without having to pop up at a market every weekend.

If you will read on, I’d love to tell you how I can help you find the people who will buy your stuff!

Wife, mom, jewelry maker/ *ahem*  bead hoarder,
and passionate marketing coach for makers at Bloom.

Hi, I'm Lucy.