Join the waitlist: The Marketing School for Makers NEW membership will open in August 2024!

      Customers that keep coming back. Profitable creations. Confidently market and grow your creative business.

      The Marketing School for Makers.

      ...bring in the "M" word

      What’s going on?

      ...bring in the M word.

      You want to create. You want to be profitable. You know you’re awesome at what you do.

      And dang do you love it.

      But when you’re looking at your books, you can’t help but notice your expenses are sky high, prices are too low, and you’re spending so much time creating for not enough money. 

      Expert at your craft.

      Expert at lugging tables to craft shows.

      Getting non-family members to buy, rave, and keep buying your creations?


      The secret to being successful as a maker is creating a sustainable and effective marketing strategy.

      ...and I'll bet there's a piece of you thinking, I knew she was gonna say that.

      >> Master Your marketing <<

      Even if you’ve floated your creations on social media, emailed your network about your business, showed up at every craft show that would cash your booth fee check– you know your marketing could be stronger.

      You don’t have the budget to hire, but you want the business side of your craft to match the care, effort, and talent that you put behind your creations. 

      Because if your products have confident marketing behind them– nothing will stop your eyes from smiling whenever someone says ‘how’s that little hobby going?’ and you retort back ‘oh, you mean my 6-figure creative business? Good.’ 

      Not so much.
      You know making, not marketing.

      Being an artist comes easy to you – but the business stuff?

      Not so much.

      You know making, not marketing.

      There’s a lot stacked against you here: it’s no wonder you’ve been spinning your wheels. 

      On top of that, you’ve got a business that most of your friends and family don’t ‘get’... selling handmade is a hobby, right? 🤣😭

      The good news?

      You’re definitely not alone!

      It’s hard to find classes or groups that teach the “business” side of things in handmade business ownership... because there just really aren’t many out there.  

      You have your muses – the “who I want to be when I grow up” makers whose work sells like hotcakes – but you just can’t quite crack the code to selling. 

      Tutorials (So. Much. YouTube.)

      Webinars – each one has a nugget of info, but it’ll take forever to cobble all of that together

      Facebook groups, where you’re probably getting business advice from other people who aren’t selling

      Traditional business classes – except they really don’t cover the nuances that come with having a handmade business (like how each item is one of a kind)

      Up till now, you’ve tried:

      We’re expanding outside of craft shows.

      Beyond your triceps thanking you, your reach will be more powerful if you tap into your own website and online brand. Everyone and their grandma is online now, looking for you.

      So get visible.

      A place to sell More of your work


      Good one, Lucy.

      But not 1000, 500, even 100 customers.

      It’s about finding people beyond your family and friends who want to buy again and again. And I’ll be showing you how to find these peopleand hold onto them.

      More Customers


      No more following trends. No more endless hours on Pinterest seeing what people are pinning. Only you leaning into what you actually want to make and selling a product that people want. 

      A quality product that you love 


      Marketing as a maker comes down to these 3 things:

      ...and it's ALL in The Marketing School for Makers

      A comprehensive marketing education for makers who want to ditch the business-y struggle of growing their profit, customer base, and reach– and step into the role of thriving creative business owner.

      The Marketing School for Makers

      ...AND THAT'S ALL IN

      Have more white space in your calendar to create, because you priced your creations to account for materials, time, AND profit 

      Attract a list of customers who can’t wait to buy as soon as that ‘Shop Now’ button goes live

      Create a gorgeous brand and website to showcase your latest work and make sales while you sleep

      Develop a social media presence that gets engagement, the right followers, and consistent shares when you post your work

      Go from overworked-hobbyist to full-on creative business owner, creating for people who want to pay you high rates for your talent

      Crack the code on what it takes to market your business and get the results you’ve always thought were reserved for your favorite creative business owners

      Let's be specific. When you join in, you will:

      Makers who join The Marketing School for Makers elevate their businesses.

      Meet the makers
      (...your classmates)

      Meet the makers (...your classmates)

      "I wasn't alone anymore"

      Lucy has helped me truly find my niche, which led me to my perfect customer. I've made so many more sales (and made so much more $$$) than I would have without The Marketing School for Makers!

      One of the absolute best parts of the program is the community. I am a solo business owner. No one else in my life is a maker, an Etsy seller, a small product based business owner, so as supportive as my friends and family are, I was really lonely. I had no one to ask my millions of questions, no one else to say, "oh yeah, that's hard for me too!"

      In our Marketing School for Makers community, I had a like minded group of (mostly) women who understood what it was like to be doing this on my addition to being a mom and a wife and having a bajillion and one things to get done everyday. I wasn't alone anymore!

      Gayle Lipson, Sparkles and Spitballs

      "I wanted a way to sell my peices without always doing shows – now I have a website, an email list, and online sales!"

      I was new to the arts and craft business. I had done a few in-person shows, had a cute set up but didn’t want to tote my stuff everywhere. I realized that I wanted a way to sell my pieces without always doing shows.

      I now have a website, an email list, and am active on Facebook and Instagram. I’ve also met some amazing and supportive women through the course. 

      My advice to anyone who is thinking about enrolling in The Marketing School for Makers: Make the investment in yourself and your business. It is worth it!

      Jodi Heerman, Eclectic Expressions by Jodi

      kind words

      14 years ago, I took a few crafting classes because I wanted to keep my hands busy to stop snacking. (That 20-something logic haha, am I right?) 

      Fast forward, I still snack. But now I’m munching on pretzels while running a 6-figure handmade jewelry business that’s been featured in publications like Country Living Magazine while traveling around the country. 

      So what’s my secret? 

      I know my audience and give them what they want. 

      My turning point happened 7 years in, when I went from struggling to people begging me to build a website so they can buy things. It all came from finding an audience and communicating with them. 

      Now, I want to help you be successful in your handmade business. Running my programs like my Bubbie’s one-room antique shop where people would come in for coffee and a conversation– there’s no such thing as dumb questions, competitiveness, or being nasty in my world. 

      With kindness, love, and a hearty dose of honesty– I can’t wait to show you how to market your business to put more time, money, and passion back into your hands.

      Meet your coach

      "It's a lifeline for me"

      When I found The Marketing School for Makers, I was dealing with a WordPress website: there was a lot of upkeep on it, my website needed constant development, and my web developer didn't understand what I was trying to do and couldn't keep up.

      When I heard Lucy, she spoke to me: I felt that she "got" me. She created a system that anyone could follow: even someone like me who isn't "techy". 

      She takes you through the concepts: it really has changed my mindset about my business, about being a designer...I felt like this was the right program for me.

      I've leaned on this program and community: Lucy's guidance is amazing. I still go back to the course content periodically: it's a lifeline for me.

      Katherine Autin, Kat's Jewelry Magic

      "After each meeting, I feel like I CAN do this!"

      I love being part of a community. Every time I join the meeting with Lucy or Jenn I feel a boost of energy.

      I've read many marketing books and follow some podcasts but I always feel like they don't talk to me. Being a maker is different and Lucy understands that.

      Some weeks are hard and like everyone I have doubts on pursuing my little business but after each meeting I feel like I can do this!

      Elise Van Meerssche, The Jolly Upcycler

      "I accomplished something I never throught I could do"

      During the covid lockdowns I found this course. I remember sitting at my kitchen table at 7:00 in the morning. Laptop, notebook, pen in hand. Anxiety and no self confidence that this would work for me.

      As I worked through the lessons the anxiety turned to excitement and the lack of self confidence turned to "heck yea girl! Oh my gosh I'm amazing!" :)

      Lucy explained everything so clearly. She broke it down into the perfect bite sized pieces. the next time I looked at the clock it was 3:00 in the afternoon! And I had a website up and running! I'll never forget that feeling of my heart racing because I accomplished something I never thought I could do.

      Lisa Bystrak, Rusty and Jewel

      kind words

      The Marketing School for Makers
      isn't like other courses out there

      Develop a much-needed marketing plan that gives you confidence in your brand, and attracts more of the people who will buy your work

      Learn the skills and technology that you may have been avoiding up until now, so that you can finally move past the fear and into the freedom of having a profitable business

      It has a no fluff approach with action packed advice in bite-sized lessons that help you:

      Connects you with other makers who "get it" more trying to explain to your family that yes, this is an actual business and not some weekend hobby

      Allows you the freedom to watch (and re-watch) the lessons at your own pace, coming back to them to learn more as your business scales

      A unique online experience including self-paced classes and a community group which:

      Conserve your most precious resources – time and energy – so that you are able to spend more of your time creating the work you love to make and selling to the customers you love to serve

      Finally start to make measurable progress in your business: a gorgeous and cohesive brand package, a more engaged social media following, more subscribers on your email list, and more bucks in your bank account

      A tools and resources hub to help you stay on track and implement your learnings so you can:

      Weekly live meetings via Zoom (and broadcast into the private student Facebook group) where we can work through any questions you have or roadblocks you run into as you work through the course content

      Ask questions, share pictures, and connect with other students in The Marketing School for Makers to collaborate, make cradty business friends, and grow

      12 weeks of exclusive access to your teacher (that's me!) via weekly Zoom calls and a private students-only Facebook group

      I know when your maker business is stagnant, it can feel easy to fall into the traps of thoughts like these.

      But with targeted marketing that puts you close to the people who would LOVE a chance to buy from you, you can spend less time worrying about how to sell and more time doing what you actually love.

      "People won't pay my prices."

      "The economy is bad."

      "Marketing is hard."

      "Hauling my butt to craft shows is the only way to make money."

      There are a LOT of false rumors floating around out there...

      Most importantly, you are a kind human who thinks you have a lot to share with the world and wants to lift up other women creative business owners.

      Struggling to get people to pay attention to your business and spending time working yourself to the bone to try and make sales.

      You are:


      Craving a support network of women who ‘get it’ because your family knows you’re talented but doesn’t respect the whole business part.

      You are:


      A handmade business owner who knows you need to be ‘doing marketing’ but doesn’t know how to make your effort successful.

      You are:


      Who The Marketing School for Makers is for:

      Only you, wrapped up in your creative space, making from a place of calmness – knowing everything you make will be snapped up in an instant.

      No more weekend hustle and constant craft shows.

      Gaining more engaged followers on your socials and selling more products on your website

      Being able to quit spending your weekends at craft fairs, and start making more of your sales online

      Building an email list full of people who can't wait to hear – and buy – from you

      Selling your products for a price that allows you AND your business to make money – so that you can have the freedom to do things like take vacation, cut back on hours at your day job, or save for a more comfortable future

      Finally having a job – and a business – that you love

      This course is perfect for you if you want real results like....

      Katherine Orr, Katorriginal Designs

      "Lucy's down-to-earth approach really spoke to me: the course is geared towards meeting people where they are."

      Tracy Childress, Bathsheba Body Works

      "Since applying what we learned, our sales have DOUBLED!"

      Tonya Cross, Accented Glory

      "This course is everything under one roof: I learned how to evaluate my results and know what's working!"

      These makers are having the success you're looking for...the success that can be yours too!

      "I’m so beginner, I don’t even have a website."  < That’s never a problem. And I want you to kick off your marketing strongly, not fumbling around– trying to make something stick. 

      "I’m not techy." < No one expects you to be. You can be a great marketer, with a thriving social media presence if you master a few basics. 

      "I’m so busy. Too busy." < I’ve NEVER had someone say, “I’m bored to tears– overload me with stuff to do.” That’s why this course is self-paced and ultra-focused on makers.

      Everything you need. Nothing you don’t. 

      Let me leave you with this...

      I'll let you in on a secret: I'm not 'techy' either.

      That's why I have carefully researched and chosen tools that give the best, most professional results without the steep learning curve of advanced web programming or technology.
      You do need to have a working knowledge of how to use a computer, how to use email, and how to use social media in order to get the most benefit from this course.

      I am not "techy" this course for me?


      Well you showed up in exactly the right place! Social media is all about communication and engagement.

      The Marketing School for Makers walks you through building a rock-solid social media strategy that includes figuring out WHO your audience is, WHERE they are on social media, and HOW you can do the work to get them in your world and on your page. 

      I have no social media followers, and I don't know how to get!


      NO! In fact, I am a *little* jealous that you get access to a course like this, because boy it would have saved me a LOT of time figuring it out when I was setting up mine.
      You'll get step-by-step instructions for how to set up either a Shopify, Weebly, or Etsy shop, then you will be ready to load up those gorgeous products and sell sell sell!

      Do I need to have a website already?


      I bet you're wondering....

      your questions answered

      I have never had someone come to me and say, "You know what, Lucy? I have SO much free time on my hands. I'm bored to tears over here."

      I feel this so much! Between running two businesses, taking care of my home, taking care of my family, and *trying* to have a socially-distanced remnant of a social life...sometimes the learning I want to do takes a back seat.

      That's why I structured this course to be self-paced, so you have all of the lessons and worksheets at your fingertips to work on when it is convenient for you.

      As an extra cherry on top, this course is delivered using a platform that has a mobile app, so you can access the content on the go.

      I can't create extra hours in the day for you, but I can deliver you a course that will fit into your schedule and lifestyle!

      I am SO busy...I don't know if I really have time for ANOTHER class!


      Probably! If you hunt and peck long enough, I'm sure you will be able to piece together the information that I present to you here.

      What you won't find, though, is another Lucy (that's me!) or another Bloom. I am the only artist educator with over 10 years of experience owning a handmade business and over 20 years of experience in marketing and communications.

      Your time is valuable, and every day you spend searching for free tutorials and articles is another day your handmade business stays stuck in place. 

      The value in this course comes from the years of tried-and-true research I've put in while testing these methods in my own business along with the incredible student community that you will now be a part of. 

      Can't I find all of this info for free on the internet?
