Do you have an audience of makers, crafters, or artists? Then check out the

Affiliate Program

Bloom Affiliate Program

Earn money by sharing resources and programs that will help your audience sell more of their products and grow their businesses!

The Bloom affiliate program is a good fit for you if:

Your community includes makers, artists, or small business owners who need help learning how to start and market their businesses.

You believe that makers deserve to sell their work for a profit, confidently and without guilt.

You agree that there's space at the table for EVERYONE when it comes to business...we can all be successful!

Oh, and if you're awesome., which you clearly are!

Yup, this is a good fit

The Bloom affiliate program is a good fit for you if:

By opting in, you are agreeing to receive information about becoming an affiliate for Bloom as well as periodic updates about programs, offers, and information. I never send spam, and you can opt out at any time!

Wanna see the cheat sheet for the Bloom affiliate program deets?

Of course you do!


Is Bloom the jelly to your peanut butter? We can talk about creating some sweet sweet bonus trades!


An affiliate dashboard chock-full of customizable copy & graphic templates so that your promo is easy-peasy


25% commission on all sales you bring in: you AND your community will be making more moolah!

Hi, I'm Lucy. 

Wife, mom, jewelry maker/ *ahem*  bead hoarder,
and passionate marketing coach for makers at Bloom.

I started my handmade business in 2010, and after setting up my craft table in more school gyms, church basements, parking lots, and fairgrounds than I could count, I realized that I did NOT love the constant ‘weekend hustle’ of setting up at shows nearly as much as I loved meeting the people who would buy my work.

I had this idea that makers like me had to set up at markets and fairs to make money...which was soooo 1997! With social media, blogs, email, and websites, I had the power to reach beyond dusty church basement craft shows and expand my reach farther than I could have possibly imagined. 

Fast forward to today, where I have helped thousands of makers find and connect with people who will actually buy, without having to constantly scout for new customers.

I invite you to come on in and share Bloom business education resources for makers with your community as an affiliate: together, we can help makers sell more of their craft with less hassle, and WAY less hustle!

I wanna be an affiliate!